Hi everyone! As the last installment to my decanting series, I want to share some quick organizing hacks for random items in the kitchen.
Check out my pics below and some helpful links to where you can find similar canisters and boxes. I hope this series has provided some inspiration to get your space a bit more organized, helped you to purge and reminded you that, even in a small space you can be organized. You don’t need a huge walk in pantry or state of the art kitchen to add some order and décor. In case you missed them, you can find the other parts of this series here, here and here.
Dishwashing soap is one of the easiest items to decant. I hate the plastic bottles they come in, so I looked for a simple way to recycle them asap. I found this set at TJMaxx for $12.99. I found a similar one here at Target for $19.99. I have 2 kinds of dishwashing soap, but you can easily put lotion in the other bottle. I love this mason jar style. |
Coffee is another easy item to decant in the kitchen. I have mine stored in this Starbucks canister that I love! I’ve had this a long time and couldn’t find it online, but any ceramic canister with a lid will do the job! |
Glass canisters are great for decanting snacks and this one has a whole heap of peanut M&Ms! Luckily for me, this is at work and not at home. I got this canister at TJMaxx for $12.99.
Here is a screenshot of one of my Instastories! If you aren’t following me on Instagram, make sure you do, I share a lot of ideas on instastories throughout the week. This set of canisters is really old and I found them at Homegoods about 7 years ago. I have straws in the tall one, coffee syrups in the medium sized one and loose tea bags in the small one.
I recently shared this on my instastory as well. These glass canisters were featured in my second part to this series and you can find that post here . The post has info on where you can buy them for an affordable price. I decided to decant this brining blend that I found on sale at Homegoods for $4 each. If you can’t find them at your local Homegoods, you can find them here. |